Biomass Plot Re-measurement for Credit Verification Completed
Plot re-measurement is a key part of Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) and the changes in biomass can be assessed to determine the number of credits earned since the project inception. Some 100 biomass plots have been re-measured with the collaboration of local Forestry Administration (FA) officers, Children Development Association (CDA) staff and Community Forestry (CF) members. By the end of May, 100 biomass plots in the project area were re-measured.
CF members use a compass to lay out a forest biomass plot in Sorng Rokavorn CF
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Planning for Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR)
The OM CF REDD+ project requires additional data and information from the community level in order to establish a solid baseline by which the impact of project interventions can be measured. Information obtained will also help to further define the project strategies.In June, Pact’s team with the collaboration of local FA officers and CDA staff, started to conduct PRAs in all 13 communities. The PRA covers a range of topics including wealth ranking, analysis of drivers of deforestation, trends in NTFPs, and local timber production. Under the verification requirements, the project team also needs to conduct planning for areas designated for Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR). In total approximately 5,000 hectares in the project area will be treated under ANR, which includes pruning, thinning, and enrichment planting. ANR will allow the project to increase its earnings of carbon credits through restoration of degraded areas.
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) in Ratanak Ruka CF
Gender Assessment of the OM CF REDD+ Project
With financial support from the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) of Japan, Pact with the technical support from Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture & Natural Resource Management (WOCAN) has completed a Gender and REDD+ Assessment for OM CF REDD+. The report will be available shortly and a workshop to disseminate the results of the study will be held in late July.
Focus group discussion on gender issues in Phaav CF |
Click here to view the full version of the Oddar Meanchey Quarterly: The REDD+ Update (April - June 2012)