Malaysia: Report on Summary of Information on How REDD+ Safeguards are Addressed and Respected

Malaysia understood ‘addressed’ as law, regulations or policy that will ensure REDD+ safeguards are considered while respected refers to how these safeguards are applied when REDD+ activities are implemented. For Malaysia, the REDD+ activities and safeguards are complimentary. With this understanding, Malaysia divided the Cancun safeguards into three broad categories as follows:
a. Governance – National and Sub national responsibilities
b. Social – Sub national obligation with monitoring at National level
c. Environmental – National and Sub national responsibilities
The approach REDD+ SIS in a practical way, where we first understanding the complexity of forest issues, the jurisdiction, assessing the forestry, biodiversity environmental, climate change and other related laws and policies. There are 20 Federal laws and about 30 States laws covering from environmental, trade of endangered species, social and well being of workers. At least seven policies are directly related to the Cancun safeguards. Then we matched these with the requirements for REDD+ SIS and tried to fill the gaps.
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National REDD+ Strategy (NRS) of Cambodia

The National REDD+ Strategy (NRS) 2017 – 2021 was officially endorsed by the Prime Minister on 08 December 2017. The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries were the lead institutions in formulating the strategy with support from relevant line ministries and institutions to forest sector. More than 1000 stakeholders ranging from national government institutions, international partners and non-governmental organizations to sub-national institutions, local communities and indigenous groups were consulted on the development stage and inputs on the drafts of the National Strategy. The Royal Government of Cambodia considered the strategy as an integral mechanism to support Cambodia in combating climate change through improving the management of national resources and forest lands. The NRS aims to reduce annual deforestation by half compared to the rate during Forest Reference Level period of 2006-2014, which was approximately 1.5% per year. The strategy identifies key drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and outline three inter-connected strategic objectives and nineteen strategies to address those issues and to improve effective forest management. Download the National REDD+ Strategy click here and Khmer version.