Oddar Meanchey Quarterly: The REDD+ Update (September-December 2011)

Cambodia's Oddar Meanchey Community Forestry REDD+ (OM CF REDD+) project is on the verge of completing Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate Community and Biodiversity (CCB) validation. All of the stakeholders involved are excited for Cambodia's first REDD+ project to reach this important milestone, which signals the start of carbon marketing activities. Please see the update below on some of the highlights over the last quarter.

Community Benefit Sharing Consultation Meeting in OM CF REDD+ Project

On 14 October 2011, Pact and the Forestry Administration (FA) with support from the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI) conducted a 1-day community consultation on project benefit sharing in Oddar Meanchey. The draft project budget was presented by Pact's Senior Carbon Officer and stakeholders were given a chance to make comments, which were subsequently integrated into the revised version.

Progress Towards OM CF REDD+ Project Validation

Following the validation visit in August by the German contractor Tuv Sud, the project partners received a list of 10 Corrective Action Requests (CARs) and 81 Clarification Requests (CRs) in September. Pact, the FA, and Terra Global Capital submitted a response to most of these to Tuv Sud. The next submission on the CARs and CRs will take place in early 2012 and the validation is expected shortly thereafter.

OM CF REDD+ Project Marketing

The OM CF REDD+ is currently seeking investors. TGC has distributed an Indications Sheet by email to a long list of potential investors and has also passed out the sheet at the COP 17 in Durban. Interested investors should write to: sales@terraglobalcapital.com. Please help us to spread the word.

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